Academy Class Descriptions


Prerequisite: None

Ages: 6-19

Program: Designed for children who are new to playing a sport or new to playing badminton. Focus is on teaching the fundamentals of badminton, rules of the game, applicable badminton terminologies and basic skill sets.

  • Badminton 101 (the racket, the shuttlecock, the court, badminton as a sport)
  • Basic strokes (including proper grip, swinging of racket, follow through, the use of wrist/arm/shoulder/hip and shoulder movements, racket and shuttlecock point of contact, how to serve and receive serve)
  • Footwork and stroke combination
  • General Physical Conditioning (warm/cooling down exercises, cardiovascular/ endurance exercises, strengthening and flexibility exercises) – generally a tool to avoid injuries
  • Basic Court play rules (scoring for singles and doubles games, service/receiving, faults, court courtesy, sportsmanship)
  • Life Skills (persistence, patience, endurance, fairness, honesty, teamwork, friendship, sportsmanship, etc.)

Intermediate & Intermediate Competition

Prerequisite:  Satisfactorily completed the BBTA Beginner Class and/or with Coaches’ Recommendation.

Ages: 6-19

Program Description: Designed for studentss who had previously attended clinics or training sessions for beginners and/or have learned the sport via games played occasionally for fitness or small group competitions (e.g. friendly matches).

  • General physical conditioning – endurance, resistance training, flexibility, speed, power (in-court training)
  • Application of basic footwork and strokes (intensively focused on application of skills)
  • Full court game play (game strategies)
  • Improve basic badminton techniques (high clear, drop shots, net, lift, smash, drive)
  • Encourage students to participate in local tournaments


Prerequisite:  Satisfactorily completed BBTA Intermediate Class and/or with Coaches’ Recommendation.

Ages: 6 – 19

Program Description: Designed for students who frequently join tournaments or are focused on participating in badminton competitions; must have satisfactorily completed intermediate training e.g. school, club training.  Skills and techniques are honed for competitive play. Practice sessions will be intense.

  • Intensive physical conditioning — endurance, resistance training, flexibility, speed, power (in-and/or off-court training)
  • Court play / mastery (control & accuracy of strokes)
  • Game strategies:  how to prepare for a tournament and how to analyze games (in- and /or off-court training)
  • Advance footwork
  • Encourage off-site conditioning (jogging, push-ups, sit-ups, jump rope, light weights)
  • Commitment required:  2x/week academy plus one private lesson or 3x/week academy
  • Students encouraged to participate in major junior tournaments

High School

Prerequisite:  None

Ages: 13-19

Program Description: Designed for youths who wish to participate in high school/college badminton teams.

  • Badminton 101 (the racket, the shuttlecock, the court, badminton as a sport)
  • Basic strokes including proper grip, swinging of racket, follow through, the use of wrist/arm/shoulder/hip and shoulder movements, racket and shuttlecock point of contact, how to serve and receive
  • General footwork and stoke combinations
  • General physical conditioning (warm/cooling down exercises, cardiovascular/endurance exercises, strengthening an flexibility exercises) – generally a tool to avoid injuries
  • Off Site physical conditioning encouraged (jogging, push-ups, sit-ups, jump rope, light weights)
  • Sportsmanship and other Life Skills (persistence, patience, endurance, fairness, honesty, teamwork, friendship, etc.)

Elite & Olympic Team

Prerequisite:  Satisfactorily completed BBTA Advanced Class and/or with Coaches’ Recommendation.

Program Description: Designed for tournament players or those who plan to participate in specific high-level competitions; must have undergone intermediate training e.g. school, club training. Sessions will focus on improving Skills and Techniques to meet higher level/competitive level play. Practice sessions will be intense.

  • Minimum: 3x/week
  • Intensive physical/strength conditioning — endurance, resistance training, flexibility, speed, power (in-and/or off-court training)
  •  Court play/mastery (e.g. control & accuracy of strokes)
  • Game strategies e.g. how to prepare for a tournament; how to analyze games (in- and /or off court training)

Special Class

Prerequisite:  Satisfactorily completed BBTA Intermediate Class and/or with Coaches’ Recommendation; for Tournament Players ONLY

Ages: 8-19

Program Description: Designed for tournament players or those who plan to participate in specific high level competitions; must have undergone intermediate training (e.g. school, club training). Training will include additional on court/off court exercises; sessions will focus on improving Skills and Techniques to meet higher level/competitive level play. Practice sessions will be intense.

  • Game strategies e.g. how to prepare for a tournament; how to analyze games (in- and /or off-court training)
  • Focus on game time (singles, doubles and mixed doubles)
  • Mental preparation (Parents and Students)